Welcome to the website of El Abanico!
Here you will find a brief overview of our activities. If, after reading it, you have more questions, you can contact us by e-mail: info@el-abanico.nl. We will be glad to help you.
Since 1995 we have provided Spanish courses at all levels, from beginners (A1) to near native (C2). Courses start at the beginning of September, in November, February and in May. Often we have summer courses too. Our fees are between €195 and €235 for a course of 9 lessons of 1 hour and a half, once a week, depending on the level and if you register soon or late (early bird discount). These fees do not include the books. The majority of classes take place late in the afternoon or in the evening. At the end of the term, you sit a test and if you pass it and have been present at, at least, 7 lessons out of the 9, you get a certificate and you can enroll, if you wish, for the next level.
The groups are small, between 6 and 12 students, and all our teachers are very experienced and highly qualified native speakers. The instruction language for the absolute beginners is Dutch but we try to use the target language (Spanish) as much as possible during the lessons. Most teachers speak English as well. For the higher levels we teach in the target language. Very often we have students from the Erasmus University in our groups and their academic credits are recognised by the University which will be able to provide you with more information about this.
If you already have some knowledge of the language, you will have to be tested before you can enroll for a course. This oral test, a brief interview, is free and implies no obligation whatsoever on your side. You can contact us by e-mail to make an appointment. If you don’t need a test, because you are an absolute beginner or have followed courses with us before, you can register directly on line.
As a complement to the courses, we organize cultural activities related to the language taught. These activities are free for our students.
Thanks for your interest and we hope to see you soon at our school!
Carmen Navarrete Muñoz
Director of studies
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